Connecting with STARTUPS
Two of the biggest hurdles for startups are how to identify the most important technical risks and how to raise capital. At the same time, larger companies are looking to fund risk-reducing experiments and to acquire promising technologies. QB3 solves these problems by bringing life science entrepreneurs and industry partners together.
Here are some ways we connect large companies with entrepreneurs and startups. Do you see a good fit with your company? Have a new idea? Get in touch.
We scout pre-commercial stage research at the University of California in areas of industry interest.
We provide introductions to startups whose technologies are in your area (see the deals we brokered between Pfizer/Circle Pharma and Roche/4D Molecular).
We invite industry partners to see quality dealflow and take part in our Pitch Summits.
Companies that sponsor our events and programs get exposure to our network of entrepreneurs and academic researchers.