QB3 Seminar: David Spellmeyer. "Score! How Your SBIR/STTR Application is Reviewed and Scored"

The SBIR/STTR grant review process can be extremely frustrating and opaque. But if you understand how the reviewers operate, you can improve the chances that your application will succeed. On October 3, David Spellmeyer, an expert SBIR consultant, will reveal the inner workings of an SBIR/STTR Study Section Review Panel. David’s talk will cover panel composition, review assignments, meeting mechanics, critiques, and the scoring process. Join us to learn several ways that you can make your application stand out.

Following David’s talk there will be an extended Q&A session, up to 90 minutes, so we can be sure all questions have been answered.

Where & When

Room 212, Byers Hall, UCSF Mission Bay (1700 4th St., San Francisco)
Thursday, October 3, 12:00 to 1:00 PM

This is a brown bag event.

About the Speaker

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Dr. Spellmeyer is a biotechnology executive with 25 years of broad experience in the life sciences industry. He regularly participates in NIH SBIR/STTR Study Sections as both a panel reviewer and as Chair. He currently serves as CSO at Circle Pharma, as an Executive-in-Residence at ShangPharma Innovation, and heads Interlaken Associates where he advises early-stage companies and investors on corporate and technical strategy, product development, and commercialization. He previously served in research leadership roles at both large and small companies. Dr. Spellmeyer received his BS in computer science and chemistry from Purdue University and his PhD in theoretical organic chemistry from UCLA. He completed postdoctoral training in pharmaceutical chemistry at UCSF, where he is an adjunct Associate Professor.