In recent years a growing number of industry-leading pharma companies have opened their own incubators to access early innovation in life science hubs such as the Bay Area. In late 2019 Eli Lilly opened Lilly Gateway Labs (LGL) in South San Francisco. As we know at QB3, startup founders are hungry for lab space and keen on learning from other innovators. During this webinar, we’ll learn about Lilly’s approach with LGL, what technologies and/or assets the company is looking for, and what other factors matter. Join us on February 16 for an overview from Angèle Maki, Vice President of Emerging Technology & Innovation at Eli Lilly and Company.
Where & When
Zoom Webinar
1:00 to 2:00 PM, Tuesday, February 16, 2021
About the Speaker
Dr. Angèle Maki is a business development executive with sixteen years of deal-making experience spanning small biotech and big pharma. She is currently a Vice President of Emerging Technology & Innovation at Eli Lilly and Company where she leads search & evaluation efforts in the Bay Area for Lilly Research Labs. At Lilly she also plays key roles with Lilly Gateway Labs, Lilly’s new incubator-like facility in SSF, and with Lilly New Ventures, Lilly’s corporate VC group.
Prior to Lilly, Angèle held business development roles with increasing responsibility starting at Medarex followed by BMS (which acquired Medarex), Genentech, 23andMe, and Merck & Co. During her career, she has successfully negotiated numerous in- and out-licensing transactions, from early-stage research technologies to clinical-stage assets.
Angèle has a Ph.D. in biological chemistry from Stanford University and completed postdoctoral work in molecular biology at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla. She completed her B.Sc. in chemistry at the University of Winnipeg in Canada.